On Friday 29 December 2017, the Hoogvliegers Foundation organised a Hoogvliegers Day for three children in collaboration with Twente Airport and Roessingh, Centre for Rehabilitation. The three Highflyers were selected for this adventure in consultation with Roessingh's attending rehabilitation doctor.
Three children with spinal cord injury, among other things, all patients of Roessingh, were surprised with a great adventure; a flight over Twente and over their own neighbourhood. They were ‘pilots’ for a while and were allowed to determine the route themselves. They were also allowed to drive over the runway from the airport and take a look at the 747 that is standing at AELS (Aircraft End of Life Solutions) to be dismantled.
Never before had Stichting Hoogvliegers flown with the ambulance plane from Twente Airport. The ambulance plane was specially equipped to transport the three children. This allowed them to look right into the cockpit during the entire flight and had a great view.
Cynthia, aged 15, says: I found it very exciting but also super fun!