Internship at Twente Airport

A few weeks ago we received an email from Jordi asking if he could come to Twente Airport for a two-week internship. Aviation seemed very interesting to him and what better place to do an internship than at the airport you live near?

Jordi is 16 and lives in Hengelo. In his spare time he is an incident photographer and he would prefer to do something with firefighting at an airport. Of course, we have our own fire department at Twente Airport and fire drills were just taking place during his internship period, which gave him a good opportunity to see whether incident response at an airport is indeed an interesting combination for him. 

Why do an internship at Twente Airport?

Jordi: "I spent two weeks at Twente Airport and was allowed to watch and help out everywhere. Refueling aircraft, driving along the fences to check for damage and being present at the fire drill. Because I try to be present at '112' calls as much as possible and make news reports about them, I already know a lot about what is involved in emergency services. At Twente Airport or other airports you can't just drop by to have a look, but I also found aviation very interesting, so that's why I thought it would be fun to join an airfield for my two-week internship and Twente Airport is nice and close by." 

What education do you want to do next?

"I actually want to do the mbo-training 'Aviation Operations', but that is only possible in Hoofddorp and that is quite far away. When I can start that course, I won't be 18 for a long time, so it will be difficult for me to live in my room. In Twente there is a program called 'Supervision and Safety', but that is a level 3 vocational program and after that I want to do the higher vocational program 'Integrale Veiligheidskunde' at Saxion. For a college education you only need MBO level 4, so actually I do have to go to Hoofddorp." 

What did you think of your internship?

"I found it very interesting and fun that I was able to participate in so many different things. I also got to watch in the 'mobto' (mobile tower), so I could see and hear how the contact with the pilots went and also how they made sure that each plane could come in safely and also leave safely again. Only the two weeks did go by very quickly, so if you are also looking for an interesting internship yourself, I would definitely go for a longer period."

Would you also like to work at Twente Airport later on?

"I like the fire department in combination with aviation best, but of course Twente Airport is quite a small airport, so no major accidents take place there if all goes well. So I would prefer to work at a larger airport, because there is just a little bit more happening there when it comes to incidents for which the emergency services have to be called out, but at Twente Airport you can have more than one job and you do the fire department as well. If I have to do another internship during my mbo education, I'm definitely going to ask if it's possible here again."

We really enjoyed giving Jordi a little idea in two weeks of what working at an airport entails and wish him the best of luck with his further education. The fact that he already knows where his interests lie is a good sign, so we think he will definitely find his dream job, with or without the training in Hoofddorp.

Are you also an intern at Twente Airport?

Are you a student on a relevant MBO or HBO study and would you also like to intern at Twente Airport? Then send an email with your motivation to

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